Chat GPT vs Google Bard AI

If you haven’t heard of them yet, you will soon—they’re two of the biggest players in the race to build artificial intelligence that can hold a conversation with humans. They are Google BARD and ChatGPT, both natural language processing (NLP) systems created by different companies.

But what makes these two NLP systems different? And which is really the better system? To answer these questions and more, let’s take a deep dive into both Google BARD and ChatGPT—how they work, their history, and which one truly is winning the language race.

In this article, you’ll get an overview of each NLP system’s features and strengths. We’ll also analyze some recent findings to see how they compare when it comes to understanding language. Finally, we’ll explore whether one of these two digital rivals can truly be said to be the ultimate victor in this ever-evolving field of computer science.


Have you ever heard of Google BARD and ChatGPT? They may not sound familiar, but they are two of the leading natural language processing (NLP) models being used today. Both of these models are being developed to understand human language better and respond accordingly. But who is winning the race between them? That’s what we’re here to discuss.

Google BARD is an open-source language model by Google which has been trained on billions of parameters to predict what comes next in a sentence. On the other hand, ChatGPT is a transformer-based chatbot created by OpenAI that can generate realistic conversations. Both of these models are powerful tools in their own right and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Let’s dive into the details and see who comes out on top!

Introduction to Natural Language Generation

It’s no secret that Natural Language Generation (NLG) is on the rise. From chatbots to virtual assistants, companies across the world are investing time, money, and resources into the field of NLG. Google and Microsoft have responded to this trend with two of the biggest advancements in NLG: Google BARD and ChatGPT.

Let’s take a deeper look at both of these technologies and compare them to each other. What are their features, what do they offer, and—most importantly—who’s winning the race? To start, let’s understand what each technology brings to the table:

Google BARD utilizes machine learning models trained by large amounts of data to generate natural-sounding conversations for customer service agents. It generates coherent replies quickly and reliably so customer service reps can respond quickly to inquiries.

ChatGPT uses an AI language model called GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to generate text from structured data such as customer inquiries and past conversations. It helps customer service reps field incoming queries more accurately by providing personalized responses for each customer in real-time.

Overview of Google BARD Features

When it comes to cutting-edge natural language processing technology, Google BARD is one of the top players in the field. It’s a multi-modal system combining state-of-the-art algorithms with novel techniques for handling both structured and unstructured data. BARD stands for “bidirectional conversational artificial neural networks,” and it allows for the machine to take input from both sides of the conversation.

Google BARD features some interesting capabilities that separate it from other language processing systems:

  1. Granular understanding: Google BARD is capable of understanding different parts of a sentence, instead of just learning whole sentences as a unit. This helps it better process natural language and generate more accurate results.
  2. Contextual reasoning: With its ability to retain context, users can ask complex questions that require multiple layers of understanding, such as “What restaurants near me have good reviews?”
  3. Natural language generation: Google BARD can generate natural-sounding responses based on the available data and its understanding of the topic at hand. This enables more interactive conversations with machines that feel more human-like.

Examining ChatGPT Capabilities

ChatGPT is no slouch when it comes to the language race. It uses a large conversational dataset to help it understand the human conversation and can recognize long-range dependencies—which means it can keep conversation context in mind.

The power of ChatGPT rests in its ability to:

  • Respond in natural language
  • Utilize machine learning rather than rules-based generation
  • Generate multiple variations on the output
  • Make use of contextual or bi-directional models

This means that by using ChatGPT, you can create bots with sophisticated dialog that feels natural and conversational, allowing users to engage in meaningful conversations. It’s no surprise that “chatbot” applications have become increasingly popular!

Performance Assessment of Google BARD and ChatGPT Models

Now that we know what Google BARD and ChatGPT are, let’s assess their performance. Both models are incredibly advanced when it comes to language understanding and text generation, but they do have a few differences—so who is winning the language race?

Google BARD

Google BARD is an impressive model, able to generate human-like responses by mining information from almost any kind of data source. So far, Google has tested it on various genres such as movies, books, news, user queries, and more. It has achieved decent results for natural language understanding tasks with an accuracy of up to 88%.


ChatGPT is also a strong contender in the language race. Its advanced neural networks enable it to generate meaningful responses with human-like logic in real-time — and so far, the accuracy has been quite impressive at up to 95%. In addition to natural language understanding tasks, ChatGPT also excels in sentiment analysis and emotion recognition tasks.

Comparing Google BARD and ChatGPT

It’s time to look at the core differences between Google BARD and ChatGPT. How do these two language models stack up against one another? Here’s a quick overview.

Compute Resources

Google BARD requires an immense amount of computing resources—it is trained on Google’s Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). On the other hand, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is trained on a combined system of NVIDIA V100 GPUs and TPUs, which is more resource efficient than BARD. It means that ChatGPT can be trained faster and with fewer resources than Google BARD.

Data Modeling

Both Google BARD and ChatGPT are unsupervised models, meaning they don’t require human-labeled data to build language understanding. However, ChatGPT approaches language modeling differently than Google BARD: instead of focusing on training the specific task it’s given, it learns the general principles of language so that it can approach any task where natural language understanding is used.

In addition, ChatGPT also has a much higher accuracy — around 95% compared with 82% for Google BARD — in natural language processing tasks like question answering and dialog response generation. This makes it more suitable for real-world applications where accuracy is vital.

Overall, these aspects indicate that ChatGPT is outperforming Google BARD in terms of data modeling and computing power.

Case Studies

Seeing the effectiveness of models through case studies is a great way to measure how they compare. Let’s take a look at some recent case studies between Google BARD and ChatGPT.


TripAdvisor used ChatGPT to leverage the conversational AI dialog model, leading to an increase in customer inquiries by more than 8%. They found that the model handled natural language queries more efficiently than before, and was particularly adept at handling complex customer questions. Furthermore, TripAdvisor saw that customer engagement rate went up by over 20% once they implemented ChatGPT into their environment.


Microsoft found that Google BARD was much more effective at multi-turn conversations and open-domain conversations with customers. They saw that fewer users needed follow-ups after using the BARD model for customer interaction and support, as well as better accuracy when it came to an understanding of what the user wanted.

It looks like both Google BARD and ChatGPT have their own respective strengths when it comes to conversational AI dialog models, but from these case studies it’s clear that both are proving highly effective in customer interactions.

Current Trends and Future Outlook

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest and greatest in language technology, you’ll know that two names have been on the tips of people’s tongues: Google BARD and ChatGPT. But who’s winning this race?

Current Trends

Right now, Google BARD is a newer model than ChatGPT, but it’s already surpassed ChatGPT by leaps and bounds. Google BARD was released in July 2020 and has only been on the market for about six months. In that short time, it has already earned respect among researchers due to its ability to understand meaning better than its predecessor.

On the other hand, ChatGPT is considered to be a more “old school” type of language technology — with its roots going back to 2015. It is built on natural language processing (NLP) algorithms that use machine learning techniques to understand user input better.

Future Outlook

The outlook for these two technologies remains uncertain — although both are expected to continue to evolve with new advancements in AI technology. With its more advanced language understanding capabilities, Google BARD could become even more powerful and efficient in the near future — while ChatGPT could refine its existing features or introduce new ones over time.

Either way, it will be interesting to see who ultimately takes home the title as “king” of conversational AI in 2021 and beyond!

Key Takeaways

So, who’s winning the language race? To sum it up:

  • Google BARD offers fewer features but has the advantage of being supported by a deep learning platform.
  • ChatGPT is a powerful tool with a large number of features and great potential to simplify natural language processing.
  • Both tools are still in their early stages, so it’s hard to make conclusive comparisons between them.

Ultimately, both Google BARD and ChatGPT have strengths and weaknesses that make them worthy of consideration. Whether you’re looking for a deep learning platform-supported solution or a more comprehensive tool with more features, you can’t go wrong with either one.


Google BARD and ChatGPT are two of the leading AI writing tools on the market, and it’s clear that each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses. While Google BARD can easily generate human-like sentences, ChatGPT is favored for its context-aware capabilities and its ability to quickly generate complete stories.

In conclusion, it’s difficult to determine which of these two AI writing tools is superior, as it depends on the particular use case. However, what is certain is that these powerful AI writing tools are here to stay, and they are changing the landscape of digital content creation in ways we can’t yet imagine.

If you have any more questions regarding this or how to use it please feel free to reach one of our remote IT support team. ITAdOn is a top-notch IT Support provider in Philadelphia. Contact us today!

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